董事会议- 2012年10月

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Board of 评议

1:00 p.m.,星期五,10月. 19, 2012




新墨西哥科技董事会在下午1:05召开会议.m.,与校董会合作 主席Richard N. 木匠主持. 其他出席的董事会成员包括摄政王黛博拉 皮考克,摄政王亚伯·西尔弗和学生摄政王奥马尔·所罗门. 大学管理员, 出席的工作人员和嘉宾包括:

Daniel H. 洛佩兹





















Proof of Meeting Notice:  The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. 由主席 Carpenter, after President 洛佩兹 confirmed that proper notice for the meeting had 被赋予.

Approval of Agenda:  President 洛佩兹 presented the agenda and asked for an amendment to the agenda asking for the removal of Item 12, Purchasing Policy.  摄政银 动议核可经修正的议程.  摄政王皮科克支持这项动议 通过一致.

Minutes for September 2012:  The minutes were presented for approval.  摄政孔雀 asked for an amendment to the minutes asking for Item 4, 公告, Headen Estate to be simplified with one statement showing President 洛佩兹 had provided the Board 通过更新.  丽晶 Soliman 支持这项动议 and it was unanimously approved.  


登记更新.  President 洛佩兹 reported that the university is on target with its enrollment numbers but, of course, continues to monitor its progress.  洛佩兹还 stated that as of this date, twelve students were still in hotels awaiting openings 在宿舍.

去债券.  President 洛佩兹 described the events that have taken place thus far on the bond campaign and his personal involvement with presentations and discussions with 团体和个人.

访问阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE).  洛佩兹总统谈到了与阿联酋的会晤 representatives who were provided with a presentation on Cyber Security. 目的 of the meeting was to discuss the possibilities of our two entities (Tech and UAE) 一起工作.

学生住房. Mr. Hidalgo, director of special projects, reported that framing 10月开始. 14 on the new residential hall, and crews will lay joists for the second 在接下来的两周内. 大学正在制定家具的规格 and equipment, and will go out to bid on them in a couple of weeks. Mr. 伊达尔戈解释 that the large cement structure towering above the first-floor frame-up will house 电梯.

盐湖更新.  总统洛佩兹问道. EMRTC主任麦顿(meston)带来了董事会成员 up to date on the dramatic changes at the research site in southeastern New Mexico. 据博士说. Meason, the most significant changes were the transition to a new business model on 7/01/12 whereby the University is operating the facility as a government-owned 和承包商经营的实体. 该模型似乎运行良好. Meason, with University personnel managing site activities from headquarters at EMRTC. Revised rates reflect cost-model operating fees, with expenses such as utilities and 维修费用由设施支持帐户支付. 在随后的讨论中, and in response to a query, it was noted that conflicting figures regarding the debt Playas carries reflected transitional costs in employing the new business model. 评议 先生向我保证. Marquez that the Playas team “is doing a good job,” with a more 年底前准确的财务跟踪.


校长洛佩兹介绍博士. 物理学副教授理查德·索南菲尔德 成为教务委员会的新主席. Dr. 索南菲尔德将提供一个学院 参议院在未来董事会会议上的报告. 同时介绍的还有辛西娅·劳里,她代替了他 董事会顾问马克·亚当斯.

公众意见.  没有一个.

2012年9月的学位授予.  V.P. Gerity报告的学位授予 September 2012: Three Bachelor of Science, fourteen Master of Science, three Master of Science for Teachers, and two Doctor of Philosophy degrees awarded.

2012年9月财务分析.  在他对第一季度的财务分析中 在新财年的财政年度中,奥巴马表示. 马尔克斯指出,收入和支出正在跟踪 正常情况下. 间接费用的回收正在放缓,共计1美元.今年有600万美元 在EMRTC方面有点落后.

2012年实际情况报告.  董事们拿到了一份经过修改的原始预算副本 预算,未经审计的实际情况和投资. 马尔克斯指出了证据19, which includes revenue from the President’s Golf Tournament. 作为对Mr。. 马尔克斯的 recommendation that 评议 approve the budget, 摄政银 so moved, followed by 第二份来自摄政王所罗门. 动议全票通过。.

预算调整申请(BAR) 2013财年.  Mr. 马尔克斯建议董事会批准 the first budget adjustment request for FY13 to reflect carry-forward monies, funds from the recent tuition increase, and increased institutional support. 摄政孔雀 开始批准BAR. 摄政银 支持这项动议, and it 通过一致.

采购奖励通知-有限资金. 董事们被告知有一个 Restricted Fund purchase which does not require Board approval but is brought to the 请新闻委员会注意. 购买价格为263,152美元.34 为校园邮局购买电脑.

属性项决议,参考NMSA, 13-6-1. 121018-01号,121018-02号决议, 121018-03 & 121018-04.  Property Director 比尔Schattschneider presented four resolutions 提交董事会批准的文件如下:


个别董事会成员意见.  这将是在索科罗的最后一次会议 摄政王西尔弗,他宣布不再连任. 摄政·西尔弗,他的 任期于12月结束. 31, recognized fellow Board members as “a wonderful team to work with,” adding that of his work in public service, “365彩票在线过滤 ranks number-one.”

新业务. 没有一个.

员工福利信托.  The Board, on a roll-call vote, recessed the regular meeting 2点12分.m. 召开了利益信托会议. Mr. 马尔克斯宣布 starting in 2013, 365彩票在线过滤 is proposing three PPO health plans. 这个提议 已经经过教职员工的审核了吗. 据先生说. 马奎斯,每个计划都一样 in coverage, only differing in the amount of the deductible – $500, $750 and $1000. The new health plan will create savings and cost less to operate. 人力资源 Director 乔安莎乐美 told 评议 that the University will continue with Meritain next year, and that the largest premium increase will be for retirees. Ms. 莎乐美, who acknowledged the work of her assistant, 安吉冈萨雷斯, added that Tech will host 11月11日的福利展. 27, with enrollment through December; in the meantime, information 有关计划的详情将公布在大学网站上. 根据建议行事 先生. Marquez to approve the health plan, 摄政孔雀 so moved, and 摄政银 支持这项动议. 全票通过.

Possible Executive 会话, NMSA 1978, Sec 10-15-1 (H)(2) (If Required to Consider 法律及/或人事事宜).  董事们一致唱名表决结束了 下午2:30开例会.m. to meet in executive session, as per the referenced statute.

Reconvene in Open 会话 and Take Final Action, if any, on Such Limited Personnel Matters Which Shall be acted Upon in Open 会话 Following Conclusion of the Closed 会话.  董事会于下午3时02分再次开会.m.卡彭特主席宣布了这一消息 评议 discussed only those matters allowed under the referenced statute, and that 没有采取任何行动.

休会.  There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting 下午3:03休庭.m.